Friday, March 9, 2007

Goldilocks and the 4Bears

Underground living appeals to me. On the right terrain of course.

Energy consumption is cut way back by the constant 22 degrees (or so) that underground housing maintains all year round.

I think we should move away from developing coastal estuaries, beaches, dunes below 5m and think of moving populations inland asap.

Anyone care to comment here ?

My wish for the day is that we can coexist in harmony. Reduce the pain. Increase our mutual respect in ways that don't involve fear. If only eh ?


Sunday, March 4, 2007

Goldilocks & the 4Bears

It's only when the pool has too many other people in it that the ecology suffers. What can we do ?
If we don't modify our numbers and impacts, nature will cull us painfully.
Any good ideas folks?

I hear that our planet is dying. It is NOT dying. Certainly the biosphere is being severely impacted by our inappropriate technology and pollution.

But it is our NUMBERS that drive the engine of that problem.

Surely we must address carrying capacity as well as lifeways and technology if we are to reach a better balance for the life support systems to function.

Don't shoot the messenger.

Love to Us All,
