Bioweapon Conspiracy theories.
Conspiracy theories are fast emerging from the COVID19 mess. From bizarre crazy to altogether too plausible.Dean Koontz's fictional thriller, "The Eyes of Darkness", 1982,
stands out to me.
He has written about an interesting biological weapon Wuhan 400 which resembles coronavirus location in China
I haven't read any of his works, but I wrote something similar back in late 80's myself.
Mine was to do with genocide in another country. Specific targeting through insect vectors. I won’t say who the perps were, but target wasn't China. After 1st draft I put it aside and edited it a year later, but was sickened by my result and decided there was enough evil in the world without my input to fuel sick minds. Then I stored it for 3 decades in my vault of unpublished.
As all this latest COVID crisis hit home, & I remembered my book. So I re-read it last week. thinking, well it was inevitable that some hungry writer would jump onto plots of bioweapons of mass destruction. 1st reaction to Koontz storyline (precis only) is it's altogether too close to the reality. Of course, quite a few other writers & film makers have the basic subject covered, but it seems Dean was a prophet. Eerily. Unfortunately.
Biosphere breakdown.
I prefer to think of the virus as being a product of out-of-kilter feedback mechanisms affecting the composition of the microbial life support components underpinning our existence in the stressed biosphere.
Truth, trust and who/what can be believed to fit the reality?
Time will tell, but will we ever know the real truth?All through our history those who try to bring the truth to the people have paid a terrible price. Martyrs to their causes. viz Julian Assange.
Now we ALL face the terror of this new reality. We ALL pay.
Would knowing the truth of how COVID_19 came into our biosphere lessen its impacts?
Biosphere breakdown is scuttling our ship of foolish dreams.
Purveyors of conspiracy theories are not helping, but it would be good to know the truth of It All.
5,088 COVID-19 deaths worldwide as of today.
We ride the tiger, the next weeks/months will be interesting.
Many may have brushed climate change to the side and resumed business as usual after each extreme destructive event. I doubt they are not paying attention now.
Here's a thought, or three....
You could look at people as one super-organism within the biosphere. Imagine each person, of our 7.8 billion people, as one brain cell in this organism. Think of each person's death as losing a functional brain cell of our super-organism. How many brain cells deaths does it take for this organism to become non-functional?Take another look:
sort those 7+billion into the stratified society of civilisation and consider how many high-value people (heads of state, managers, leaders) can we afford to lose before the whole system unravels leaving billions leaderless.
How many high value cases of COVID-19 do we have today?
Today the rate of cases in Europe surpassed China's rate of cases when they were at height of the epidemic there.
How many and WHO could be affected or dead by next week.
No, we do not panic. We maintain all the guidelines of safety & avoidance.
We face it bravely. We stay inside away from others. Watching the dominoes fall on media.
Suddenly we go very quiet... and Yes.... you can hear the butterlies' wings flapping in Rio.
Reality IS.
COVID-19 is real and happening here and now.
Hasta la vista, baby.
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