This is to announce the advent of the new
Flickr Tapestry Crochet Group.
I hope it will flourish.
Already have 3 members after only 12 hours in existence.
If it were a temple then Carole Ventura is the resident guru/saint/mentor and the pix posted to its pool are the flowers on its altar.
The inspiration came about after prompting from Rufaro Crafty, my new Flickr friend, inquiring about the art of tapestry crochet.
Tapestry Crochet Flute Bag.
Further prompted, I dug out my original tapestry crochet Ayesha bag. It has been hanging on a hook in the studio for over 30 years and is showing its age. Aren't we all! So I Photoshopped the pic a bit and resampled it......
... and here it is, a bit faded, a bit tatty, but an old friend for me.
I learned tapestry crochet in Morocco sitting at the feet of Ayesha, one of the wives of the Berber sheikh who was my kind host. As I was traveling at the time I was impressed by the portable nature of the art. You can do it just about anywhere, sometimes even while walking. I made this bag to carry my flutes, yarns, hooks & drawing materials and dedicated it to her. As I look at it I am taken back to Imesswouane and Cap Rhir, south of Essaouira, on the Moroccan Atlantic coast, and see Ayesha again, her wise old kholled eyes glinting down at me as she quietly created her beautiful tapestry crochet hats.

photo courtesy karolajnat
I hear the roar of the surf thundering against the mighty cliffs where the Atlas mountains drop into the Atlantic Ocean.
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