Here come
I wake in the
picanninny dawn from a monumental dream. Visited by the pantheon of my past
heroes, mentors. Those enlightened beings who fueled my seeking mind, who gave me the tools I needed in my quest, who drove me to do and be who I am.
Surging forward en masse, faces
all turned to me, stark, aghast:
Ghandi, Margaret Mead, Carl Sagon, Bucky Fuller, David Gilmour, Ralph
Nadre, Krishnamurti, Arthur C. Clarke, Grigori Perelman, Gary Snyder, Karl Kruszelnicki, Freya
Stark, Allen Watts, Mike Morwood, Patrick Leigh Fermor, Mircea Eliade, Matsuo Basho, Aldous Huxley, R.D.Lang,Thor
Heyerdahl, Joan Baez, William Cobbett, Madame Blavatsky & the
Theosophists, French poets, Russian writers, Esalen and all the environmentalists
of the 60-70’s cultural revolution, John & Julian Lennon, Len Webb, John
Sisson, Robyn Williams, so many more.....the crowd stretches into a blur and I
know I know them all. My mob.
So many
faces from so many fields of endeavour:
Film makers, writers, cosmologists, ecologists,
anthropologists, astro-physicists, prehistorians, teachers, performers in all the arts &
science who had put their precious minds and life energies into trying to wake
the herd into awareness of our kind and our lifeways. They saw our life support system in spaceship Earth is a finite closed system, with all Life evolving, changing, moment to moment, in a fragile biosphere of mind-boggling diversity.
Those faces of
enlightened living, higher thinking. The ones who went beyond the daily grind,
the emo-controlled little lives of slavery to the Almighty $ we all inhabit, and took me beyond, to the view of the
biosphere, the solar system, the Universe, the evolution of life on Earth. The ones who said:
Find the Truth! Who are we? What is this place where we live, and how do we live in it? Who showed me the view of the reality of It All
and, the reality of how we feature in It All.
They all
appear in a huge crowd and surge towards me saying:
“What the FUCK!”
I woke. It
is the time of COVID-19. Swift and deadly. A time like no other. Nations in Lockdown. Impending economic doom, police and military controlling populations kept in self-isolation. Boofhead, Goofy and a troll control the superpowers. I turn on the TV and that
bizarre travesty of a human being, that gross ancient creature who claims to
save possums and can't tell a meercat from a sugar glider fills the screen, followed
by snippets of various people showing us how they fill their days of isolation
in ways so utterly pathetic to me I turn it all off again. Ridiculous people. I
am one such. Just as ridiculous, just as pathetic.
What is the point of knowing the reality of the situation if the extended reality is that all their enlightenment has not stopped the unstoppable before it destroys us all. No mass OM prayers will eradicate this virus. No understanding that we live on the "just right for Life" Goldilocks planet can solve biosphere breakdown. We Humans evolved through our civilisation mindlessly. No matter how many pundits of wisdom clamoured for change, the power of the greater prevailed. The human hive sailed on, mindlessly.The damage is done. We reap a bitter harvest.
I can put my
point of view out there here, now. Don't you see folks, what's happening is all part of biosphere breakdown, microbes present for billions of years, not always harmless, but now hostile (to us) as they find their way to propogate, multiply and mutate in the changed biosphere conditions. All very well knowing that, but all too late to do anything but endure as well as we can and hope, yes HOPE, that we are going to win the war, through the measures being dictated to us all, leading to a general hibernation of our civilisation as a whole. The cost is getting horrendous. The J-curve of deaths and cases rises and rises. Straight up. At this rate we are looking at deaths worldwide passing the million within weeks.
But what happens if those locked in can't sustain themselves? Can't access supplies?. Can't communicate if the system fails and we lose the electricity, the phones, the internet goes down ? Severe weather events ....ono, not more...!
Then the prospect looms: the chaos of mob rule emerges
from this mess,
These things are obviously not to be discussed. Can’t frighten the horses. They
are numb with shock now. Don’t take them any further into the nightmare than we
need. We’ll cross that bridge when/if it appears, they say.
Not for me that attitude. I am a realist. I consider the worst and plan for the best. Hold the Line is the best we can now do. I say look at those scenarios and plan for whatever contingencies we can foresee from this limited viewpoint of now. Stay alert, aware, safe and move swiftly to make sure those who have yet to fully understand, or choose to flagrantly disobey, are put back in place. No time for wimps. Be strong. Looking back over humanity's track record is not comforting. Wishing we are/were gods and angels does not make us so. One size does not fit all.
look to how this could unfold and I do not see it’s going to be all "we are all one", with puppies, 7 swans a'swimmin', silver
bells and cockleshells and pretty maids all in a safe-distanced row, exchanging selfies, enjoying gin-n-tonic sunsets under whispering palms.
I could go on into this hell of could be. I'm sure you've understood if you've got this far.
I don't dwell on the unpleasant, but that does not mean it does not exist or that I ignore it.
I merely point in that direction. You may need to know.
Yes I could describe the hard road ahead. But one is censored.
It has been hard enough just writing this.
Besides, what would be the point? It is what it is. Que sera.
One thing is certain, it just ain't pretty.
Ask yourself: what will this promised Other Side look like? | |