Thursday, November 29, 2007

Anu Ruddy Day

Last day of Spring 07. Hello summer! What will this summer bring......?

Below are some of my latest exercises on Apophysis.
I have found Perspective (at last, sigh some!)





Seeds form & disperse



All credits go to the Wizards of Apophysis who can be found, mostly on deviantART site - see link top right under Anu Links

Monday, November 26, 2007


Yesterday spent creating images with Apophysis 3D Hack using the 3D WizardSoup script by ulliroyal.

They reflect the optimism I feel with the Ruddslide victory.

Wizard flowers are rising, spreading the magic through our lives - Kyoto ratified, work choices sorted, health & education bettered, Aborigines getting a more humane deal AND the big "Sorry", climate change addressed in useful ways, good women in the top jobs at last.

The pain lifts away - a great flowering of the nation's potential is happening.
Humanity can flourish.

I think back to the arrogance of the barking would-be dictator who kept telling us how tough love was good for us, ignoring all the issues that had us in strait jackets under his regime.

He may have believed his lies, but we didn't.

Now the Emperor has no clothes, in fact he hasn't even got a seat. .
Good on you Maxine McKew! She showed him, didn't she!
How to dance home laughing all the way.

Howard, like all arrogant people, now learns the cost of hubris and will be eating humble pie for the rest of his days. It is one thing to be our longest serving P.M., it is quite another to be loved by the people. He will learn that saying sorry from the heart is the mark of a good person. He claimed to be one, but his actions said otherwise.

So these surreal flowers below are a reflection of how I see it all happening now, here in Oz, as Kevin Rudd , Julia Gillard and their team step up and start the challenging tasks of creating health, wisdom & happiness in the face of very grim global prospects ahead.


This one below, created in Apophysis 2.07beta, came out of a DeviantART bubbles flames set with shaun-rules-4eva Simple Oils script run over 4th flame. Perhaps it reflects the cold hard jewels of those who would control us as hive slaves in an inhumane economically rationalised world.


See more of these images on my Flickr pages.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Carried on the Shoulders of Giants

My latest batch of Apophysis images. All of them owe more to the genius of the DeviantART crew than my Apophysis abilities.
here for the production details.

Julia's Star Flowers.

In honor of Julia Gillard
who today became our 1st woman Deputy Prime Minister.
Better times ahead!
Well done Julia!

Hear This!
It sings.

Wind of the Sun.

Kaeltyk Egg.
My version of Kaeltyk's flame.

Nights of Apophysis can do this to you.

Today is K1.
The first day of Kevin. At last the country can become more humane under his guidance. The harshness of the last government did not create a happy population. Here's hoping Kevin, Julia and their team can right the wrongs and get us fulfilled in all we can be as a nation in the planetary arena. The coming trials of climate, economics, overpopulation and so much more beyond our control, will be a daunting challenge.

All good children go to Kevin! He's definitely one of the good guys. Get behind the new team and be part of the solution. Together we can do it.

Congratulations to all who helped make the change to a better Australia.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Monday, November 19, 2007

Other Universes in Apophysis

Been in a fanciful surreal mood today so had a day of Photoshop and assembled these Apophysis flames I created from randoms, overlaid with scripts from various DeviantART artists (go there for production details).

Cybervers Swarming

Arcturus here We Come

Spideyverses Far Far Away

Well, it's what I call FUN.

..and we're climbing the stairway to Kevin....
4 days to Anu Oz

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Apophysis Tutorials

Been hard at work on Apophysis tutorials from the DeviantART site (see Anu Links) this last day or so. So much to learn in this amazing fractal generating tool. Obsession is the order of my daze.

I want to stress:

Below is the result I got from the DragonWinter Flower Tutorial from the Apophysis chatroom I attended today.
here for that tutorial transcript.

DragonWinter (DeviantART) Flower Tutorial Result.

Below is the result of another DeviantART Apophysis tutorial by Claire Jones, entitled
RINGS2 & Julian Guide, downloadable as a pdf file from here

Night in the Jungle
My attempt at the Claire Jones Rings 2 Tutorial

I am very happy with these results....wouldn't you be?

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Apophysis Rules

More Apophysis, some better than others.

Rainbow Bridge to the Golden Road to Tomorrow

Something tells me I'll be embarrassed about this in due course -
somewhat lurid (=takky).

Fire Beast

Remembering Greece & rest of S.Europe & California recently.

Flowery, Flowery Night

Learning to make flowers w thanks to Gygrazok on DevianART

Pearly Spiral
..last light of a sulphrous sunset on a mystyTwysty Mt. Athos?

All credits & production details are on DeviantART posts - go to Anu Links on side bar.

I am getting it...slowly......

Monday, November 12, 2007


I've never been addicted to anything before. Suddenly I'm finding myself possessed by Apophysis, something so irresistible, so all devouring, pure fascinatio.

The following are some of my recent attempts to understand how Apophysis works.
The dog is still walking me.

These images only evolved via me due to various generous genius , mostly to be found on the DeviantART site. Cabin Tom, Claire Jones, Halcyon83, Ali, x-seraphin, Rozrr, shrapnlHunter, shortgreenpigg, shaun_rules_4eva, Sya, Saisao, exper, being just a few I owe more than I can say - scripts, flames, tutorials, gradients, tips and the art they produce themselves - all so inspirational.

The following I'd especially like to thank:

Mark Townsend for Apophysis
Erik Reckase for FLAM3
Joel Faber for tutorials and variations
Michael Faber for tutorials
Peter "Zueuk" Sdobnov for 3D and other variations
Piotr Borys for his 2.06 work
Elizabeth Tomchek for her scripts
Thomas Desloges for his scripts
Claire Jones for her tutorials
shaun_rules_4eva for his scripts, his art & just being the crazy spirit he is.

Thanks all of you.

I can't call these my own work, they all owe too much to the sources they evolved from. It's rather like saying you grew the fruit on a tree, when the tree grew the fruit , someone else planted & tended the tree for many years and you just harvested the latest crop

I dedicate these to you, (above), the Wizards of Apophysis.


I ran the shortgreenpigg's Jelly Bean script over a random flame & twitched it.

Some Of All Fears.

Sun Star
Having fun in the sun of Valcali's flames.

If you want to see the work of the real Wizards of Apophysis, click on the deviantART link on sidebar on right.