A dark vision has emerged as I create digital images in Agony, SaVaGery, Chaoscope, GIMP & other recently acquired digital imaging programs.
With the Equine flu, the Bird flu, the Greek & southern European fires, the horrors in Iraq, Afghanistan, the African atrocities & famine, the price of wheat, stock markets in crisis, major weather events...it goes on & on.....all giving me a sense of dread as to the future of beautiful planet Earth, it is no wonder my art has turned dark.
Does it help to keep saying positive things, to play the Pollyanna card, when it is quite obvious that things are less than good.
Maybe it's the eclipse of the full moon doing it to me.
I look outside, I feel the beautiful clear balmy spring weather after a week of excellent rains. All is well here. Hard to be the happy camper knowing the pain so many are in from so many sources.
At last the drought has broken & @ 170mm over 5 days gently soaking rain filled the tank. I've had my first bath since February, almost forgotten the joys of wallowing in water. How dirty was the water asked probing friends? Aha..crystal clear actually, because of my very basic bath in a tin shed with concrete floor I can do the Japanesy thing & wash outside the bath before getting in to soak. This is a good trick if you have limited water too, as you can use the bathwater 2 or 3 times.
But we were lucky here, the rain was gentle. Not so 2-300 km north on Sunshine coast where the East coast low dumped something in the order of 800-900mm in a couple of days, which, combined with a king tide, brought extreme flooding.
Next of course we have the Equine flu & paralysis of the horse breeding & racing in 5 states.
The fires in southern Europe, especially Greece, the typhoons in Taiwan & China, the storms in the mid USA, overall the planet is in apocalypse.
My own life has suddenly entered a hugely creative stage. I've been into Flickr in a BIG way, surfing around the tags & groups & images, finding many, many wonderful postings from members & getting to talk with a few by flickrmail.
Hi if you are one of my chat buddies ! You have been so inspirational.
From all this has come an amazing surge of the juices in me. I've returned to an old love of the late 80's & early 90's - Fractals !
I've found progs like Fractal eXtreme, Agony, Apophysis, Chaoscope & have been on yet another steeeeep learning curve of endless obsessive image creation, modifying & enhancing with Photoshop.
This beautiful 12-13 footer curled up under my window all night after I evicted it from treehouse bed. Strangely I did sleep well. It seemed quite obliging to move when nudged. It's living art.
This is Tony Armstrong's great sculpture of a Black bean pod & seed with fungi. It sits outside the Chillingham Community Center, in the north west of the caldera. He does such beautiful work.
Enjoy the peach blossom all buzzin' with bees. Symbols of hope & renewal.
The first signs of spring. Our winter of 4-6 weeks is almost over. Hasn't rained since June 26th, the creek is down to last trickle & some neighbors have run out of water. Bushfires all around, mostly arson, or idiots whose pre-fireban period burnoffs got out of control. Why anyone would light fires when the countryside is tinder dry beats me. At least a recent slight change blew the smoke pall away, enough to give a blue sky in above shot. But today the air is a jaundiced yellow/khaki again.
Thinking of the whales surging along the coast on annual summer migration, just started. I can almost feel the whoosh and surge as they surface, breath & dive again.
Meanwhile Wollumbin's Fighting Chief of the North is a sleeping giant enveloped in a pall of smoke.
Today I went out, took this shot above - I live in that pall of smoke. It's been 4-5 days of it. Compare it with the shot of same view below, taken just 3 months ago.
This is all because some bloke thought he'd burn off & beat the official August 1st Fire Ban start, no thought apparently for the drought conditions, exacerbated by the sudden black frost last week. Coldest night for some 30 years.
Today it was 29 degrees C. Spring has started. If the winds start up we have big big problems.